Friday, November 21, 2008

Home Again

Sweet Dreams Tonight,

I'm sleeping in my own bed tonight at home.  It's truly wonderful.  I have a team of doctors coming by tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m.  I will need the morning to prep for them.  I look forward to catching up over the weekend.

We will have to discuss my dilemma soon.  Should I use Dr. Scholl's brown shoe polish on my head or have a colorist come in.  I will share the details next time and why I will need some coloring.

Dr. Spock  to Elf Ears,
Pleasant dreams.
Love and God's blessings...........

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grand Tuesday to you All!

Thank goodness there's a Tuesday that comes  after a Monday. I don't want or mean my days to slip by .....Monday had to be over so that I could start Tuesday.  And, a grand day it was today.  I hope the day was awesome for you.  My pain was on a scale of 2 to 3 out of 10.  I am temporarily at hospice so that they may formulate a drug specific to my needs.  I'm learning a great deal about hospitals and hospices practices and procedures.  Interesting, I'll share it some time!  Right now, I'm trying to get as much rest as I can fit into my day.  I miss all of you and can't wait to visit with you soon.  Tomorrow, I'm going to try (operative word) to get at some of my 543 back emails.  It won't be so bad.........half of them  are from Crate and Barrel (describing my body shape) and half of  them are from Boot Barn describing the smell.  Where is the Harry and David and Honey baked ham?  I'm going to choke.  Love you, God Bless.  Sweet dreams.  Sheryl 

Happy Birthday Deb!  Wish I could wait on you today!  I'm looking forward to taking a spin in Buttercup with you soon.  VVvvvrrroooooooooom!  You are great!  Thank you for everything you are doing!
Love,  Sheryl 
Hi this is Jon. Matt and I were with our mom today. She is still funny as ever. This is what she said about being at Hospice, "I want to get as well as I can as soon as I can so I can get out of here as fast as I can."