Thank you for your patience in awaiting this blog update. Masterpieces always take time. That, of course, is why I am not healed yet. I resumed Chemo treatments on December 3rd with doses of Zometa and Avastin. Sounds like my great-aunt and uncles' names. At that time, Hospice Care ended and Home Health Care began.
My pain levels increased the following weekend, causing me to be admitted to the hospital again on Sunday, December 7th. During my stay, the doctors ran CT scans and other tests. They discovered that my scans were stable from those taken in October, indicating that the cancer had not spread. Additionally, there are signs that the broken bones are beginning to heal -thank you Zometa! A new Chemo drug was given on Wednesday called Abaraxane, which is in the Taxol family of drugs. It will have an impact on my blood counts and will cause me to lose my hair again. Xeloda also resumed. I developed a topical infection in the epidural catheter port, so it has been removed. I am on a two week course of Oxacillin to prevent further infection. As you can see, I am highly susceptible to infection right now, so please understand. I returned home on Friday night and am now under Home Health Care again. It feels good to be sleeping in my own bed once again!
Thank you all for your loving prayers and your continued support. I love you all.
XOXO - Sheryl