Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Chemo Eve.....

Hey, it's not like I haven't been here before!  I am all armored up and ready to go into whatever battle lay before me.  Okay, so that is my stronghold in thought.  Actually, I'm trying to figure out what to wear and I'm taking in homemade treats from my lovely neighbors, the Alexanders to soften up the nurses with needles.  I'm taking in fresh flowers to decorate my purple curtained walls.  And, I'm taking all of your great thoughts and wishes and prayers right there in with me.  I wanted to wear a ball gown.  I will do that one of these days.   News since this afternoon.  I am out of the Special Study Research Group.  I don't qualify after all because of an anti inflammatory they have me on.  This is okay, I won't experience some nasty side effects associated with trying the new drug.  It also eliminates such close cardiac monitoring.  So we are off to Chemotherapy!  And...who can hold them back? The Berndt Sisters are on their way West and will be here Wednesday.  Look out La Jolla.  Much love dear friends.


Jeanette said...

Sheryl - you continue to amaze me with your strength and courage. I have thought of little else since we spoke this morning. As it turns out - Robin has been trying to reach you and I since early this morning. I just spoke to her for nearly an hour. We got caught up, but really spoke mostly of our beautiful friend Sheryl who we both love and adore. My thoughts will be with you tomorrow, and everyday through this process. I hope to hear from you soon. Much love - Jeanette

linda said...

Sheryl - I am sitting on your shoulder today with love in my heart for you. Your strength and courage give me pause - you have always lead by example. thank you for giving us all the opportunity to be with you during this time - your generosity goes straight to my heart.
Please always know that you and your family are surrounded by love and support. You are in my heart always. With deep love and friendship,

alexa scoma said...

Please know that we are thinking of you and are fighting for you and your family. You are so blessed with your unbelievable, amazing, perfect children. You and Todd have done an incredible job. We feel so lucky to have you as our neighbors. You are so strong and we admire you for your strength. All our love to your whole family...the Scoma family

Anna said...

Dear Sheryl,
Visiting with you today was truly inspiring. You are braving your upcoming treatments with so much grace, we all can learn from you.
Know that I am here for you in any way I can best serve.
Told Mohan about your wish for some Indian cooking and he is happy and excited about it. Just let us know when it will best suit you and he has promised a feast for us all.
We love and adore you,
Mohan and Anna

Kathleen said...

Sheryl. We have watched you through the years as Mother and Wife to your beautiful family. You are truly the wind in the sails of those three wonderful men in your life. Today and everyday I will lift you up to Jesus who know your needs. His eye is on the sparrow and I KNOW He watches YOU! kathleen

corinne lynch said...

Sheryl, so good to see you at church this morning. You had such an amazing and luminous energy around you. I feel that Jesus is with you in this fight. I love that Kristi had a get-together with girls! I can just imagine you two! Ha!

My prayers are continuing that you will experience total healing and strength, especially through chemo eyelash fair!! But will take it if it's the price of getting you completely well!! Love, Corinne