Saturday, October 25, 2008

Home Again

Good Saturday evening to you all.  I'm home from the hospital after a brief overnight stay.  I had to get my pain under control so that breathing wasn't so difficult.  Quite a quandary!  My goals are to remain on Taxol and Carbo chemotherapy agents once a week, blood draws and counts to make sure the body will withstand the agents, and doctor appointments to discuss progress and options as needs arise.  So far reports show there is less cancer in the the previously affected areas now than when initial testing was done.  That's the good news.  Bad news, there are so many variants, good and bad that have an influence.  Ah,   I'm getting boring.  Enjoy your Saturday night and Sunday.  May God Bless You and Your Family and Loved Ones.  I promise I will work on getting new pictures up very soon, so if I do get boring on my blog, you will have at least something to make you smile or laugh.  I smile when I think of all of you.  Thank you again for your generosity in giving, supporting, praying, and raising me up.  I love you.  Sheryl 


Mary Beth said...

hey sheryl- i check in and report to brent and we pray for you! you should have been the one writing all along! wink! love to you all-
MaryBeth for the Coles....

Unknown said...

Good Evening Sheryl,

Glad your'e back to your sanctuary!
Your blog is is so fabulous to be updated! Thank You for sharing with us!

You remain Stunning - even without most of your hair! Keep smiling and fighting!

My love,

Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl, So happy to have a new post from you. I am glad that you are home again. That is always the best place to be!! :) I went to a costume party with the kids last night and decided to be a gypsy... I thought of you as I think you would have known how to make my outfit much more fun that I was able too! :) We love you very much and think about you daily. Love, Stephanie and the kids

Anna said...

Dear Sheryl,
Never, never are you boring. Thank you for your post. I too am glad that you are home again and the pain is under control. Such great news that there is less cancer than before. Keep fighting, know that I am rooting for you.
Much and more love,

Jeanette said...

Well I guess my prayers were answered because you are home in short order. Yeah!!!! Hospitals suck, all those nurses buggin' you. Ha Ha!!! Please rest, and think positive thoughts as we all are. I hope at some point I can come and see your beautiful face, and we can share a laugh. Love you - Jeanette

Keitha Giannella said...

Hi Sheryl:

Lots of love being sent your way. I am always praying for you and your family.

My children ask for you everyday. Please know that even though we can not visit, our thoughts are with you daily.

God Bless,

Jacqueline Olivier said...

Hi Sheryl,

Being up here in L.A. I only just heard of you being ill from Laura and got right on your blog. You are an amazing woman and as beautiful and positive as ever!! Love to the boys - give them a big hug and one for you and Todd too. Miss you. Love the blog.

Jacquie Olivier (Yarbrough)

linda said...

Hello Sheryl - thank you for continuing to update us. Please know that your blog is never boring as we are just thrilled to her from you and relieved with each piece of news.

You are in my heart and know that when you are able to receive visitors, the line of friends will be around the block.

much love, linda D.

Robin Bates said...

You are beautiful and thank you for yesterday my Sheryl. It made my trip. I just returned to Boston early this morning...I miss you already! Try not to fart in front of those cute doctors and keep really are amazing.
much love always,

Jodee said...

Hi Sheryl,

So happy to hear that you are home again and the pain is under control. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily, continue to be stong and know that loads of wishes are being sent your way!

Love and hugs to you Todd, Jonathan and Matthew.


Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl,
We miss seeing you but understand the downside of being exposed to the usual Fall colds (and god forbid, the coughs!) Your poor ribs!

So great to see you on the blog one can keep us entertained the way you can! Sending lots of love and positive energy your way,

Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl, Thank you so much for the blog updates. I am with you daily in prayer. I am so glad your cancer is diminishing...go girl.Know how much I love knowing you.

Daniel Harkavy said...

Our prayers will continue Sheryl.
He will never leave you or forsake you.

We love you,

The Harks

corinne lynch said...


Please continue to rest and get strong. We are with you in spirit and in prayers. You are so amazing. And by the way, NEVER boring! (I know this, because I have been known to be boring, so I know the difference!)

Love and prayers,


Kelli Moradi said...
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Unknown said...

Hi Sheryl, Can't wait to hear from you again. I hope you have a Happy, Happy Halloween and fun watching the boys dress up :) Still thinking about you and praying for you daily. Love always, Stephanei and kids