Sunday, January 4, 2009

Free at Last!!!!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!! Sheryl's New Year is off to a good start.  Over the past week she saw several improvements.  I stayed with her throughout the week, while Todd and the boys took a vacation in Mammoth, so I've witnessed these changes first hand.  Doctors visits reported good news throughout the week.  Her pain management is under control and her scans (comparing the cancer to October scans) show the cancer is stable (i.e. no better, no worse, which is very good - it means the chemo is preventing the cancer growth!).  They also show her broken bones are continuing to heal!  (Thank you, again, to Zometa!)  Additionally, Sheryl 1) ended her treatments of antibiotics, eliminating one infusion medication; 2) switched medication for pain management, eliminating the second infusion medication; and, 3) as a result of these changes, ended her need for Home Health Care!!!!!!!  So, when I say "Free at Last!!!" now you may understand why!  Sheryl is free of tubes, infusion pumps and the need to be bound by Home Health Care visits.  She has continually demonstrated improvement in physical strength and is the "best she's looked in weeks" according to two doctors we saw this week.  The one disruption she's facing now, which is why I'm posting this blog instead of her, is that she's been inflicted with the 24 hour stomach bug overnight.  We expect this to improve throughout the next day or so - from this blog post to God's ears!!!  Thank you for all of the prayers you all sent to Sheryl. They were nicely boxed and presented to Sheryl which she proclaimed "the best Christmas gift ever!"  ALL OF OUR PRAYERS ARE WORKING SO KEEP THEM COMING!!!!!  Sheryl continues to be grateful for the outpouring of support from the community.  Thank you for all you are doing and continue to do to support the Duncan family.  Your generosity and support is amazing!  With endless love and gratitude, Deb (on behalf of Sheryl and the Duncan Family).


Lori Emch said...

Dear Sheryl,

What wonderful news of your progress to kick off 2009. It's so good to hear that you are getting your freedom back. I think of you everyday and I'm hopeful that you will fully recover. I wish you a wonderful week of progress and improvements....

Hope to hear more good news soon.

All my love, Lori :)

Michael McCafferty said...

Hello Sheryl,


What great news to start the year off with!

It's so wonderful to hear how well you are doing and that you have found God’s healing hand.

It's been way to long since I have seen your beautiful smile in person, but I do enjoy all of your wonderful pictures on the web site. The one I want to see the most is you back on your bicycle enjoying a nice slow ride along the ocean.

I also want to say "Hi" to all the Duncan “Guys”, and wish you all a happy 2009!

One last thing; Thank you Deb for taking such good care of our Angel and for what you have done as the keeper of this Special Blog.


corinne lynch said...

Way to go Sheryl!!! So glad you're "unplugged" now and free to move around! Plenty of sales out there--perhaps a little shopping spree is in your future?

May 2009 be a year filled with miracles. We will keep the prayers coming.



Mary Beth said...

this is amazingly wonderful news..
pls tell sheryl we are celebrating with and prayers for stomach bug to pass!!!! the coles

danishrikke said...

Happy news and a great start in 2009. Sheryl you are with me every day. You are one of the most important people in my life and I am forever grateful that you are in my life. I hope to visit you guys in 2009. Give "my" boys a big hug and let them know that I love them.Love Rikke

Jeanette said...

Happy New Year....and thank the blessed Lord for this good news. I continue to think about you, and pray for you all the time. Hopefully we can chat (either on the phone or in person) soon. I miss you my dear, be well. Jeanette

Keitha Giannella said...


We are always thinking of you and sending you lots of love and prayers.
I miss your dazzlingly smile and hilarious wit on the Gillispie campus.

Love Keitha, Robbie, Luciano and Chiara

Anna said...

Dear Sheryl,

Sorry for only now responding to your great news bearing post. My laptop had been broken and I had to send it in for repair.
I am delighted to read about your progress and am continuing to keep you in my thoughts with all the well wishes you could possibly imagine.
May 2009 bring you and your family all the best and more.
Much love,

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